Our commitments are long-term, which is why we continue working to return the coastline to its original state, compensate the more than 10,000 families of Ventanilla, Aucallama, Chancay, Ancón and Santa Rosa, and carry out social and sustainable development projects in the affected areas.

Committed to the environment and to Peru

From day one we have been deploying all the human, technical, and economic resources necessary to remedy the consequences of the spill and offer solutions to fishermen, traders, and local populations.

You can learn about the progress and recovery work on this website and on our social media profiles.

Advances in remediation

Learn about our main advances in social and environmental management in response to the spill.

Learn about our advances in remediation.

Help communities

Learn about the different collaboration agreements with fishermen, traders and other affected populations.

People made advance payment of compensation

People who received the

1st preview:


People who received the

2nd preview:


If you are part of any of the groups or communities affected by the spill, enter your information in the form and we will contact you.

Action plan

Learn about the different actions that we develop in the sea, land, air and to protect fauna.


Learn about the stories of the experts working on remediation.

Sign final compensation with Santa Rosa 26-07-22

third bird release 25-04-22

third bird release 25-04-22

third bird release 25-04-22

Otter model skimmer

Chancay 23-03-2022

Chancay 23-03-2022

Chancay 23-03-2022


Fifth release of birds

Summary of remedial actions and social support

Press releases

Repsol and food bank peru: training leaders of soup kitchens in ventanilla and ancon for better fish handling

July 13, 2023 | Strong iron | No Comments
At Repsol Peru, we are pleased to share the positive impact that our alliance with Banco de Alimentos Perú has had on the soup kitchens of Ventanilla and Ancón. Tatiana…

Alliance with the food bank helps more than 4,400 people

July 13, 2023 | Strong iron | No Comments
At Repsol Peru we are proud of our alliance with Banco de Alimentos Perú, which has had a positive impact on the soup kitchens of Ventanilla and Ancón. In the…

Strong as Iron, an alliance to alleviate hunger

July 13, 2023 | Strong iron | No Comments
At Repsol Peru, we firmly believe in the importance of supporting the communities in which we have a presence, and we remain committed to fighting hunger and reducing food waste.…

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of assistance will you provide to fishermen and businesses in the affected areas?

Repsol’s commitment is to support all the people who are suffering the consequences of the spill until the beaches and the sea are suitable for the development of their various productive activities. For this reason, company representatives are in constant dialogue with the local communities to inform them of the progress made and to attend to their needs.

Since January, Repsol has been providing basic necessities support through vouchers and payment cards of S/500. On March 4, we signed an agreement with the Peruvian government whereby those affected by the spill, who have been duly identified through the census carried out by INDECI and agreed with the company, will receive a partial compensation advance to mitigate the impact on their labor income. These compensation advances of S/3,000 have already started to be paid out, and the company is working to ensure that they reach all those affected.

What do affected fishermen and businesses have to do to collect the compensation advance?

All affected parties included in the common census must voluntarily sign individual certificates to receive their compensation advance of S/3,000. The individual certificates can be signed through the sectoral associations to which they belong or by going to the spaces that will be set up for this purpose in coordination with the local governments. Once the information in the report has been verified, those affected will receive the deposit of S/3,000 soles as a compensation advance within 7 working days.

If an affected person is not included in the common census prepared by INDECI and agreed upon by the company, he/she should report his/her case to the Civil Defense office of his/her municipality so that they can evaluate his/her case.

The common census can be consulted in the web https://www.gob.pe/padronafectados 

Will the aid to those affected be only short term?

Repsol’s commitment is long term and will continue with the dialogue with all affected groups and in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. 

We will focus on the development of medium- and long-term productive projects and diversification workshops for the long-term productive sectors.

Social media