To reinforce the cleanup work on the beaches affected by the oil spill, we have constantly incorporated new machinery and specialized state-of-the-art technology to move forward quickly and effectively: heavy machinery, large and small vessels, skimmers (high-efficiency marine cleanup equipment), storage tanks, and oil containment barriers at sea.
We have added a total of 200 additional tons of specialized equipment from the USA, Finland, Brazil, Colombia, and Dubai to reinforce the containment and cleanup of affected natural areas along the Peruvian coastline, thanks to the collaboration of the best international experts in environmental incident response solutions, such as Lamor Corporation and Oil Spill Response Limited, among others.
Our absolute commitment to the cleanup work is absolute, and it seeks to ensure the availability of reserve equipment and materials at all times – skimmers, containment barriers, absorbent material, storage tanks, and other s- in the necessary quantities.
Learn about the use of the skimmer in the cleanup of beaches affected by the oil spill
The skimmer is a highly efficient marine cleanup equipment for this type of incident, used both at sea and along the coastline. The function of the skimmer is to collect the oil using its brushes, which separate the oil from the water within a perimeter that is delimited by the professionals in charge of the cleanup. For our work we have been using different types of skimmers according to the needs of each area, such as the otter type, which has a suction equipment adapted and developed by the Peruvian scientist Marino Morikawa; or the Bow Collector, used to recover large oil slicks at sea.
It is connected to a tank where all the oil collected is disposed of, and this hydrocarbon is transferred for treatment at the La Pampilla Refinery.
For updated figures of equipment and technology in action, click here.