- OEFA’s latest sampling results reaffirm the results of its report from last October as follows: seawater quality meets the Environmental Quality Standard (ECA).
- Regarding the contents of hydrocarbons, it is also confirmed that most of the recreational beaches are suitable.
- For this reason, we urge the authorities to promptly reactive artisanal fishing and reopen beaches considered suitable by OEFA.
Lima, February 2023. The Environmental Evaluation and Oversight Agency (OEFA) sent to the company the results on the new sampling at the oil spill area confirming that the seawater meets the legally established Environmental Quality Standard without any risk for health or the environment; as a result, conditions would be given to reactivate fishing activities.
In this way, the OEFA’s report of last October regarding the contents of hydrocarbons concluded that the water was suitable. The same results were shown by the National Water Authority (ANA) report from last June whose surveillance confirmed the remediation of the water in the area. On the other hand, no evidence of pollution by hydrocarbons above allowed levels was detected by SANIPES in the coast of Ancón, so the extraction of bivalve mollusks and marine gastropods in this area is permitted, as stated in its report published in May of last year.
According to this new report on the presence of hydrocarbons in the water, it is concluded that 15 out of 25 beaches located in the spill area are suitable for swimming and recreational activities. Although it is different from the positive results obtained by other independent environmental entities, OEFA’s latest results are favorable and contribute to continue working on restoring the coastline.
Based on the results issued by the authorities last year and the OEFA’s latest sampling, we urge competent authorities to reopen beaches suitable for public use and restart artisanal fishing.
The company will continue the performance of surveillance, monitoring and cleaning activities in inaccessible areas such as the Pasamayo Coil, capturing the hydrocarbons released from the rocks by waves with the help of boats and specialized equipment located next to the coastline.
Finally, the company confirms the performance of the characterization process with beach and sediment sampling as it belongs to the Remediation Plan requested by OEFA, which it is expected to be achieved on a short-term basis. Once again, the company is committed to restore the coastline to its original state before the oil spill.
Based on the OEFA’S report on the presence of hydrocarbons in the water, 15 out of 25 beaches located in the spill area are suitable for swimming and recreational activities: